You can
hardly go a week these days without some sort of dustup over religious issues
making the news. Whether it’s that duck guy making homophobic comments, or some
high school coach getting reprimanded for making his players pray, or some
public official putting up a Ten Commandments monument at the county
courthouse, or state legislatures going out of their way to give legal
encouragement to discrimination against homosexuals, these issues come up in a
steady drumbeat. And whenever society, or the law, moves away from what
evangelical fundamentalists want, or criticizes the fundamentalist position,
religious leaders seem to love to scream “persecution!”
that’s not what it is.
You see,
on a certain level religions are collections of ideas. They tend to be
collections gathered together under a single label and assigned a supernatural
source, but basically they’re just ideas. Some of the ideas are good, and some
of them are bad. And when someone evaluates one of the ideas contained in your
religion, and decides it’s a bad idea and ought to be prevented from being put
into general practice among people who don’t share the belief, that doesn’t
mean they’re persecuting you. It just means that they don’t consider some ideas
to have some special claim to immunity from evaluation simply because they’re
If I
think, for example, that persecuting homosexuals is a bad idea, I don’t particularly
care if the reason you do it is because gay makes you feel icky, or because you
have the ignorant notion that everybody will otherwise turn gay and doom the
species, or because your religion tells you to. Going out of your way to make
other people miserable when they’re not doing anything that actually hurts
anyone is just a bad idea. I will oppose it; not because I’m opposed to
religious people, but because I’m opposed to persecuting people.
I regard treating other people with kindness and respect as a good idea. If
your religion tells you to do that, you won’t find me opposing you in the
exercise of that idea. Because whether you believe your god of choice wants you
to do it, or because you just happen to share empathy with your fellow human
beings, treating others well is kind of a good idea.
are many examples I could give. I think demonizing sex and sex education,
opposing science education, putting the government in the bedrooms of
consenting adults, slavery, using government authority to pressure people into
accepting a particular religion, and teaching people that they are inherently
vile are all bad ideas. I think generosity, kindness, promoting education, and
promoting community are all good ideas. All of those have been put forward by
some religious denomination or another in recent memory, and I really don’t
care: each idea is good or it’s bad based on its own merits, not whether it
came out of a religion.
I see
real problems with the practice of packaging vast swaths of ideas together and
treating them like a monolithic whole. It creates a situation where two people
can agree on 99% of their values, but become wholly incapable of discussing the
1% where they disagree without each feeling like the other is attacking their
entire world view. There’s no logical connection between “love thy neighbor,”
and “evolution doesn’t happen.” But because both those ideas got packaged into
the same religion, you have people honestly making the argument that people who
don’t believe the former somehow can’t follow the latter either because they’re
immoral. The religion creates an artificial and divisive link between the
understand, really, that if you accept a religion then it’s hard to see criticism
of a particular idea that it espouses as not being an attack on the religion
itself. Most religions seem to encourage that view. But those of us on the
outside, we really don’t see it that way. We see the individual ideas, and
believe they ought to stand or fall on their own. Many antireligious arguments
are aimed at getting people to see past the artificial linking of those ideas,
so that the ones we see as harmful can cease to be propped up by the ones we
see as beneficial.
isn’t done to persecute religious believers. It’s done because in a society
based on religious freedom, an idea that is propped up only by a particular religion
cannot be forced on those in society who do not share that religion.
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